D&I Coffee Club
Small Groups - Big Conversations!

Join us for the COFFEE CLUB, an initiative of the Diversity & Inclusion Task Forces of AAGO & BAAA. The idea is to create a safe space for a productive discussion about important DEI issues facing society today.
In each session, the group will be given a starter topic to begin discussion and everyone will be asked to engage and share their thoughts freely while listening to and respecting the thoughts and opinions of others. This is a place where we hope that long-time thought processes will be challenged and societal norms can be investigated.
Positioned during the "3 pm workday slump," we invite you to take a break and have a caffeine break with us!
- Be respectful of others
- Listen without judgment
- Let everyone be involved
- Derogatory language not welcome
- Open minds are imperative
- Don't be a wallflower - use your voice
To sign up, please click the "Registration Now" button above. Also, don't forget to participate in the D&I Survey! (Link below.)
Diversity & Inclusion Survey
For More Information:

Temple Terrace, Florida 33637
United States (813) 882-0222