Annual Cruise to Nassau, Bahamas🚢
Cruise Away with BAAA!
Thursday, September 13, 2018
to Sunday, September 16, 2018

We're still accepting cabin reservations! Book today!

What is needed to make reservations:
--Legal names, as shown on valid U.S. Passports or Birth Certificates/
driver's license
--Home address
--Date of birth/gender
--Cell phone number
--Email address to send the Carnival Guest Confirmation
--If the client has sailed previously with Carnival, we can add their "past
guest number" to their record
--Credit card information: type of card, number, expiration date, pin number, name on the card and the billing address.
Required Proof of citizenship to travel:
Basically, each guest must have either a valid U.S. Passport or a
Birth Certificate (original or a certified copy), along with a driver's license).
For More Information:
Sheerin Rahman, CTC, MCC
(813) 287-2311