Class Policies and Practices

Education Policies and Practices

Class Cancellation/Rescheduling Policy:

  • Class will be cancelled or rescheduled at the discretion of the Executive Director.
  • Should registration for a class be below the minimum of six (6) students BAAA staff will consider cancelling/rescheduling.
  • Should an instructor be unable to teach a class due to an illness or other emergency, the instructor will provide as much notice as possible to BAAA.
  • BAAA Education Staff will attempt to always have an alternate instructor for the class in case of instructor illness or emergency.

Instructor Conduct Policy:

  • Instructor will keep up-to-date with current trends in relation to the subject(s) taught and will thoroughly prepare for class(es) in advance.
  • Instructors will adhere to the materials and methodology with regards to the class topic.
  • No personal business solicitation will be made to students unless a sponsorship is arranged with BAAA staff. Recruitment of students is not permitted during any class.
  • Instructors will conduct teaching assignments in a dignified and professional manner including refraining from the use of profanity or behaving in a harassing or insulting manner.
  • All NAA course material and course material developed by or for BAAA may NOT be taught outside of the BAAA sponsored classroom without prior authorization by BAAA and/or NAA.

Cancellation, Refund and Payment Policy:

  • Payment is due PRIOR to class start or by the registration/payment deadline stated on the EVENT PAGE.
  • Canellations/changes must be made before the registration deadline date.  Late cancellations are non-refundable but a replacement student can be sent for that seat!  Replacement student MUST have name of person replacing or an invoice will be processed.
  • No refunds granted on cancellations received AFTER the registration deadline stated on the event page! 
  • All cancellations must be received in writing and include the date and signature line of a representative from the management company.
  • NO-show's are responsible for FULL payment of the event fee!
  • Payment is the responsibility of the company, not the individual registered for the course or class

Student Pledge:

  • Be on time.
  • Turn off cell phones, ipods, laptops, and all other devices that may cause an interruption.
  • Refrain from business solicitation or recruitment of other students.
  • Participate with an open mind.
  • Ask questions.
  • Share feedback in a positive and constructive manner. Have fun!

Instructor Guide:

  • Arrive 20-30 minutes before scheduled start time to make sure the room and materials are ready.
  • Review Student Pledge with class.
  • Interact with students in an engaging manner.
  • Remember that students do not know the material as well as you do. Be thorough in your presentation of the material.
  • At the end of the course, request that the students complete an Evaluation Form and place it in the box as they leave the room.